Crab Stitch How To

I love the crab st, I do not use it enough. It is especially handy on boys outfits, where you want to finish it off but don’t want too fancy an edging

So here is my how to guide— here for free pdf

You start the row/ round of with a 1ch / ch1 and normal dc/sc


Then put your hook through previous st


Turn hook to left


Put the hook over yarn and catch it, pull it through stitch



Yarn over hook and pull through 2 loops6

Pull tight


Crab st made


Hope you like our wee how to guide

If you want to download the pdf file- do so here  *

Until next time

Fiona x



Invisible 3ch /ch3 tutorial

I am writing this tutorial to help make a neater edge for our matinee jackets or any row really where you need to start with a 3ch (UK) / ch3 (USA)

If you wish to download a pdf version to keep pleaseclick here *

1. The first photo shows the original 3ch /ch3 and how it looks at the start of the row, it is out of place, leaves a gap and when you want to add on an edging or band to it, it is difficult to put your hook through.

2.The second photo shows the “invisible ” version, which as you can see is much neater and allows you to put your hook through for bands etc


I started with a base row of dc/ sc for this example


Make 1ch/ch1 and pull it tight, if you don’t it will cause a slight bulge


Make 1dc / 1sc by hook through st, yarn over hook and pull through to make 2 loops

yarn over hook and pull through to complete dc/ sc


The put the hook in between the two loops- i have take 3 photos to show you where


Yarn over the hook and pull through


I always think of this as 2 dc’s/ sc’s stacked on top of one another


Yarn over hook and pull through to finish


“invisible” 3ch / ch3 made 🙂


This is where you put the hook through to work down the side of the row- for example when you are adding and edging or button bands

I do hope my little tutorial helps

If you wish to download a pdf version to keep please clickhere *

Until next time

Fiona x

*this is an affiliate link to craftsy

Crocodile Stitch Tutorial (UK & USA Terminology)

There are many ways of doing the crocodile st and I think this is the easiest. I may do further versions in the future, so this shall be version 1 and is used in pattern 299.

So to start there should be a multiple of 10 plus 1ch to start (ie 21, 31, 41 ch)

USA-Row 1: 1dc into ch-5 from hook (the 4ch acts as 1tr, 1ch), * ch2, miss 3sts, (1tr, 1ch, 1tr) into next st, rep from * to end, turn

UK-Row 1: 1tr into 5th ch from hook (the 4ch acts as 1tr, 1ch), * 2ch, miss 3sts, (1tr, 1ch, 1tr) into next st, rep from * to end, turn

USA-Row 2: ch1, 5fpdc into last dc of previous row, (working from top to bottom of dc), ch1, 5fpdc into next dc (working from bottom to top of dc), * sk ch-2, into next ch1-sp, sk ch-2, 5fpdc into next dc (working from top to bottom of dc), ch1, 5fpdc into next dc (working from bottom to top of dc), rep from * to end, turn (3 scales)

UK-Row 2: 1ch, 5fptr into last tr of previous row, (working from top to bottom of tr), 1ch, 5fptr into next tr (working from bottom to top of tr), * miss 2ch, into next 1ch.sp, miss 2ch, 5fptr into next tr (working from top to bottom of tr), 1ch, 5fptr into next tr (working from bottom to top of tr), rep from * to end, turn (3 scales)

USA- Row 3: ch1, into the middle of the scale, ch4 (counts as 1dc, ch-1), 1dc into base of ch-4, * ch2, (1dc, ch1, 1dc) in between scales (into same place as from previous row), ch2, (1dc, ch1, 1dc) into middle of scale, rep from * to end, turn

UK- Row 3: 1ch, into the middle of the scale, 4ch (counts as 1tr, 1ch), 1tr into base of 4ch, * 2ch, (1tr, 1ch, 1tr) in between scales (into same place as from previous row), 2ch, (1tr, 1ch, 1tr) into middle of scale, rep from * to end, turn

USA- Row 4: ch1, into ch1-sp, * sk ch-2, 5fpdc into next dc (working from top to bottom of dc), ch1, 5fpdc into next dc (working from bottom to top of dc), sk ch-2, into next ch1-sp, rep from * to end, turn

UK- Row 4: 1ch, into 1ch.sp, * miss 2ch, 5fptr into next tr (working from top to bottom of tr), 1ch, 5fptr into next tr (working from bottom to top of tr), miss 2ch, into next 1ch.sp, rep from * to end, turn

USA-Row 5: ch1, (into same place as from previous row), ch4 (counts as 1dc, ch-1), 1dc into base of ch-4, * ch2, (1dc, ch1, 1dc) into middle of scale, ch2, (1dc, ch1, 1dc) in between scales (into same place as, rep from * to end, turn

UK- Row 5: 1ch, (into same place as from previous row), 4ch (counts as 1tr, 1ch), 1tr into base of 4ch, * 2ch, (1tr, 1ch, 1tr) into middle of scale, 2ch, (1tr, 1ch, 1tr) in between scales (into same place as, rep from * to end, turn

USA-Row 6: ch1, 5fpdc into last dc of previous row, (working from top to bottom of dc), ch1, 5fpdc into next dc (working from bottom to top of dc), * sk ch-2, into next ch1-sp, sk ch-2, 5fpdc into next dc (working from top to bottom of dc), ch1, 5fpdc into next dc (working from bottom to top of dc), rep from * to end, turn

UK-Row 6: 1ch, 5fptr into last tr of previous row, (working from top to bottom of tr), 1ch, 5fptr into next tr (working from bottom to top of tr), * miss 2ch, into next 1ch.sp, miss 2ch, 5fptr into next tr (working from top to bottom of tr), 1ch, 5fptr into next tr (working from bottom to top of tr), rep from * to end, turn

So for each scale you see it is actually 2 rows, you build the structure then add the scales on top

Basically all crocodile sts are the same it can just be the under structure that varies

We do hope this has helped 🙂

Until next time

Fiona & Shirley x