Throwback Thursday Pattern 100

This weeks throwback crochet pattern is no. 100. It originally came out in 2008, 10 years ago, wow that passed fast.  They do say time flies when you are having fun 😀
i remember when mum designed it, I was so impressed. It is made in 4ply / fingering yarn so there will be some work involved, but i totally think it is worth it.
You may think that with all the layers it would be heavy, but it isn’t and I love the picot edging around the neck and the bottom of the yoke
It really frames the face lovely
The pattern is in 5 sizes preemie, 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12 months
Wish I had, had the time to make it for Sarah when she was smaller
I think for a 10 year old pattern it is faring well lol
You can find the pattern here
Until next time

Throwback Thursday Pattern 18

It has been a bit since I last posted on the blog. Will be adding more later this week.
This weeks throwback crochet pattern is no. 18. It originally came out in 2005, the year we started ShiFio’s Patterns.  I am not sure what my inspiration was for this set, I wish I could remember.
I can’t believe that we have been self publishing patterns for 13 years!!!!!
The photos have been redone a few times, don’t think we still have the original 2005 ones.
This throwback photo is from 2007.
It is called the Twin Bobble Pattern#18. At the time, if we had a pattern with a girls and boys version on it, I usually called it “twin” something
18 new
To fit 0-3 months,  it requires UK double knitting, USA light worsted (3), AU 8ply
 There is 6 years between the throwback photo and the new ones. What a difference it makes, maybe I should make a new set and take considering it has been 5 years since the “new” ones were taken lol
You can find the pattern  here

****Throwback Thursday****

This weeks throwback Thursday is crochet pattern #154 

It is slightly different as it has been revised twice!

it comes in 3 sizes Preemie, 0-3mths, 3-6mths

and it is made in UK-DK, USA-Light Worsted (3), AU-8ply

This was the original version back in 2010, I was going for an 80’s styling with the black contrast

Not sure what I was thinking, the ribbed cardigan looks a bit strange in this colouring!!

This was the first revision in 2012, i removed the shoulder ruffles, the second bottom ruffle and added flowers to the little girls one and changed the colour of the boys. I think it is much better

When Sarah came along we decided to redo it and get clearer photos

Doesn’t our wee model look gorgeous in it ? I may be biased though lol

As always this pattern will be £1 for a week

Until next time

Fiona x

View the pattern here

****Throwback Thursday****

Hello everyone,

I did say I would be adding more post and I am glad that I have managed it so far!!

My 2 little munchkins have been sick and so everything gets put aside for comfort and cuddles.

Now they are on the mend here is this weeks throwback Thursday (our third)

This week I want to highlight another one of mum’s knitting patterns.

A matching hat and blanket pattern which has been made in UK-Aran, USA- Worsted and perfect for the cold weather we are having just now

I cannot believe this pattern was originally published in 2010 !! It certainly does not seem that long ago.

Designed in 4 sizes 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, 12-24 months which could be made in complementing colours to match little jackets or a pram / buggy

mmmm so warm and cosy 🙂

until next time

Fiona x

View the pattern here

​****Throwback Thursday****

Good morning to everyone.
Before our Owl Cocoon pattern became so popular, this was our most popular cocoon.

It was originally released in 2009, cant believe how long this pattern has been out

The Ruffled Cocoon Crochet Pattern 127

Although a bit time consuming doing the ruffles, it is an easy pattern.

I think the time put in to make it is worth it 🙂
It is made in UK-Aran, USA-Worsted, AU-12ply and was only designed in one size 0-3 months

I always loved the look of this cocoon and made a sleeping bag pattern to match it.

It will be on special offer for 1 week  —- £1

Until next time

Fiona x

Our first Throwback Thursdays

Hello everyone,

I am hoping that i will be adding lots more posts here soon.

We have been publishing patterns for 13 years now and I suppose we would like to think we have come a long way in that time.

So every now and again we like to go over our older patterns, tidy them a wee bit and take new photos.

This week I want to highlight one of mum’s knitting patterns. It is a pattern that has not had much attention and i think that, that is a pity!


It is a lovely simple hooded poncho which has been made in UK-double knitting, USA- light worsted, and I think that since mum has remade it in white and pink, it shows it of so much better- for a springtime touch it could be made in white with a green trim with embroidered or sewn on flowers

(now after all that buttering up, do you think i can persuade her to make it for my little girl lol)

It is a sweet little pattern in 4 sizes 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months and 9-12 months

until next time

Fiona x


View the pattern here